Boii - Sangere


Boii (born Boimanya Martha Fahnbulleh Koroma) isn't just a rising star; she's a force to be reckoned with. Hailing from the vibrant city of Freetown, Sierra Leone, Boii's love for music blossomed at a young age, blossoming between the ages of 4 and 6.


With unwavering support from her parents, Boii nurtured her passion. She wasn't just belting out tunes, she was honing her skills. School talent shows became her training ground, and she later took the stage at the renowned "Salone Kids Got Talent" competition.

Determined to reach new heights, Boii began writing and recording her own music. This journey led her to Kabaka Multimedia Entertainment, where she collaborated with MIC on the song "I'm Not Enough."

But Boii's true breakout moment arrived with her debut single, "Credit Alert," released under the Cribs International label. The song's infectious energy resonated not only in Sierra Leone but also rippled across the Nigerian music scene. "The success of 'Credit Alert' fuels my fire," says Boii. "It motivates me to keep chasing my dream of becoming a global music sensation."

Boii's music is a captivating fusion of Afrobeats and R&B, a sonic tapestry that reflects on real-life experiences, the power of love, and a deep-rooted African pride. She possesses a remarkable talent for blending genres and even mimicking voices and sounds, creating a truly one-of-a-kind sound.

Stream the song below: