Valeriane du groupe Andante - Close your eyes

In the vast tapestry of musical expression, some albums stand out not just for their melodies, but for the stories behind them. The NMG Album, penned in 2020 by the talented duo Jean-Robert Dray and Valérie Roy (stage name Valériane), is one such gem. With Jean-Robert Dray as the composer and arranger, and Valérie Roy lending her vocal prowess, this album transcends genres, inviting listeners on a captivating journey of introspection and artistic exploration.

The NMG Album is a sonic tapestry woven from threads of varied musical genres, ranging from soulful ballads to electrifying rock anthems. At its core, the album serves as a poignant reflection on the notion of peace in a tumultuous world. Each track is an invitation to travel, a soul-searching journey that challenges listeners to ponder their right to freedom and contemplate the values that shape our collective existence.

The journey of Jean-Robert Dray and Valérie Roy is as rich and diverse as the music they create. Jean-Robert's musical odyssey began at the tender age of 5, marked by a passion for self-expression and a relentless pursuit of excellence. From humble beginnings as a self-taught musician to his triumphs in major competitions, Jean-Robert's journey is a testament to the transformative power of music.

Valérie Roy's path to musical stardom is equally compelling. Starting her journey as an actress at the age of 17, Valérie honed her craft under the guidance of seasoned mentors, immersing herself in the world of theater and improvisation. Her serendipitous encounter with Jean-Robert in a poetry association marked the beginning of a fruitful collaboration, as they embarked on a musical journey that would redefine their artistic identities.

From captivating performances at iconic venues like the Gibus and the Emergenza Festival to collaborations with industry luminaries like Patrick Jaoui, the journey of Jean-Robert and Valérie is a testament to their unwavering commitment to their craft. With four albums under their belt and a passion for musical exploration that knows no bounds, Jean-Robert and Valérie continue to captivate audiences with their soul-stirring melodies and thought-provoking lyrics.

As they embark on the next chapter of their musical odyssey, Jean-Robert and Valérie remain open to new opportunities and collaborations. For tour organizers or professionals interested in connecting with this dynamic duo, they can be reached at [email protected]. With hearts full of passion and minds open to new possibilities, Jean-Robert Dray and Valérie Roy are ready to take the world by storm, one mesmerizing melody at a time.