Grandmaster Jay Found Guilty - @ThisIsHipHopHQ
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Grandmaster Jay Found Guilty

Grandmaster Jay Found Guilty

Grandmaster Jay, the outspoken leader of the NFAC, has been convicted. He has already planned an appeal to a verdict by a Louisville jury.

Grandmaster Jay, who's real name is John Fitzgerald Johnson, was found found guilty on two counts today after standing trial for roughly 4 days.
He was indicted last year on federal charges that accused him of pointing a rifle at law officials during a protest on September 4, 2020. He was charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers and brandishing a firearm in connection with a violent crime.

Prosecutors and authorities maintain the leader of the NFAC (Not F##king Around Coalition) pointed a firearm at members of the US Secret Service and the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD) while they were on the roof at the Jefferson County Grand Jury Building.

Grandmaster Jay vehemently objected to the state's description of what happened.

He told AllHipHop in a previous interview flatly: "I didn't do anything wrong. I didn't break any laws."

There was numerous facets of the case to support that the Black militia leader meant no harm to the law officials.

For example, both sides of the case acknowledge that Grandmaster Jay, authorities and others met prior to the convening of the NFAC to speak about logistics as well as working together to keep people safe.

According to the prosecution, they said also stressed that the guns of the NFAC would need to stay pointed down. They charged at the leader of the organization pointed up, regarded as a "higher ready position." This was counter to what they agreed upon, the prosecutor alleged.

Grandmaster Jay's attorney charged that clearly did not seek to shoot anyone on the rooftop. There is even video footage of him corresponding with authorities on the ground. He charged that he was simply pointing his light on the roof, because thought teenagers were on the roof with paintball guns.

United States Attorney, Joseph Ansari reportedly showed the NFAC leader pointing his ASR-15 at the law men with several angles.

Numerous members of the NFAC, who were all dressed in black, were in attendance at today's trial.

When Grandmaster Jay and the NFAC first came to prominence, in the aftermath of the murders of Ahmaud Arbery and Breonna Taylor, there was a groundswell of support from the Hip-Hop community. After his arrest, those voices have quieted.

The Hip-Hop artists, they need to be talking abut this," said a source, who chose anonymity, told AllHipHop.

Reports say Jay will remain incarcerated until he is sentenced on August 22, 2022.


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