The London restaurant so bad 32 people got food poisoning from a chicken biryani - @ThisIsHipHopHQ
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The London restaurant so bad 32 people got food poisoning from a chicken biryani

The London restaurant so bad 32 people got food poisoning from a chicken biryani

London has many amazing eateries - the quality and diversity of the city's dining experience is as good as it gets.

But among the gems there are also some real unhealthy sites.

There are plenty of restaurants and takeaways where food hygiene could never get ratings above one out of fine and the kitchens are filled with grease, grime and pests.

Often this goes unnoticed...until things go south!

This happened in 2013 when a restaurant in Newham was so dirty that 32 people got food poisoning after eating there.

The Karachi Karahi restaurant was catering for an event for the Sindhi Association of Europe in August 2013 when the state of its hygiene became all too obvious.

Public Health England were quickly called in after the scores of guests embarrassingly fell ill.

According to the Guardian's report, the most likely cause of the outbreak was a chicken biryani. 

Apparently the restaurant had repeatedly been told to smarten up it's act and had even been closed down once before due to hygiene problems.

The husband and wife owners of the restaurant were banned from opening another business for five years and slapped with 150 hours of community service, but a local councillor at the time claimed this was far too lenient.

Pictures inside the restaurant showed disgustingly dirty hobs and surfaces and insects in the food.

The restaurant rather conveniently closed after a fire in 2015.


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